

Remember Oscar?

We’ve written about Oscar before. We’ve told his story, from his beginnings as a mangy, mite-infested puppy living in a cemetery to how he almost died. His life has been a rough ride fraught with turbulence, with only occasional bubbles of peace.

This is how bad little Oscar was when we first found him. He was 6 months old.

Oscar was found in a cemetery mid 2012 at just 6 months old. He, and his siblings, had contracted dermodectic mange. He was the only one that survived, and he was a sorry sight. Clumps of hair had fallen out, and his patchy, mottled skin was riddled with open sores. As it turned out, he was also full of ringworms and suffered from fungal infections. He almost had more skin diseases than he had skin.

All his siblings had died, he was dejected, in pain and didn't want to face the world.

When we picked him up, he was timid and afraid, and refused to come out of the dog carrier at the vet. It was impossible to coax him out, and the nurse eventually reached in, wrapped him in a towel, and carried him out. He spent the next four months shuttling between the kennel and the vet, undergoing intensive treatments with injections of steroids and antibiotics, and slowly getting better. Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t find someone who was able to foster this sweet young puppy, and had to put him up in a kennel. He hated it, and it made him sad, but it was the best we could do for him.

Oscar after two months of being rescued, his skin was starting to get better but he was still a sad puppy.
We had so much hope for the puppy. When he was well enough, we started bringing Oscar to adoption drives, as we knew that the kennel was no place for a young dog. So we were overjoyed when a young couple adopted him. Under their love and care, Oscar blossomed into a lively and affectionate companion. He knew simple commands like “sit”, “come” and “paw”, and loved going on runs with his new family. His tail was often wagging, and he was beginning to love his life. His charming puppy dog eyes would melt any heart. We thought that he had found his place in life.

But then things took a drastic turn for the worse. He fell critically ill all of a sudden due to an infection in his liver. He was so sick that he couldn’t even stand. His owners rushed him to the vet. We had to appeal on Facebook, several times, for canine blood donors for Oscar as his platelet count plummeted. The vet told us that he might not survive this time. There was nothing we could do but wait and see. We were all shocked and devastated.

He was put on oxygen support, an IV drip, antibiotics and liver supplements. He received numerous blood transfusions. He started getting stronger again, and his condition stabilized. We heaved a collective sigh of relief. 

But all of this had taken an emotional and financial toll on his young owners, who were saving up for the future together. In their bid to save their beloved family member, they had depleted their life’s savings. Oscar’s condition still requires ongoing treatment, and they couldn’t afford it any more. It was too much for them to watch Oscar suffer, when the best they could do for him wasn't enough. They had to let him go. He was a beloved family member, and we understand that it was a difficult decision. Everyone was heartbroken.

Oscar, going back to the vet for checkup 2 months back. 

Can you imagine all of this, happening to a puppy? Little Oscar, not even two years old, has gone through so much. Born homeless, he has since found a home, lost a home, and almost died twice.

Oscar urgently needs a new home. He’s feeling dejected, and needs a new family to cheer him on and, once again, give him the love he needs. He has a lot of love to give, and deserves a chance to grow into the dog he was meant to be.

A day out in the park together with handsome Cooper who is also up for adoption. (Cooper on the left)

Oscar as he looks today, a handsome young lad. Oscar will be featured in HOPE's 2014 calendar. 

Oscar’s medical condition has stabilized and he is looking good. He has come a long way and only needs to be on supplements for his liver, eat good nutritious food and have a balanced diet. He should avoid preservatives and go to the vet every two months for a medical check up. 

And what’s better news is, Oscar is HDB approved. He is a small handsome dog!

To ADOPT OSCAR, please email

Please help to share Oscar’s story and help him find a new home!

Written by Elena Lin