

Farewell Sweet Talia

Talia had lived a life of abuse and neglect, a fate even worse than that a breeding dog.
However, all that changed when Annie and kids, Hilda and Darren, decided to adopt Talia, knowing that she was 13 years old, blind, at risk of suffering a cardiac arrest any time and given 3 months to live.

Talia is featured in HOPE's 2014 calendars. (We still have calendars for sale)

What a big heart this family had – and Talia blossomed in their hands. With a new family to love and spoil her, she started looking younger, happier and her health problems seemed to be under control.
Talia had 9 months of happy family life with Annie and the kids, and their other dog, Spike.
Darren and Hilda with Spike and Talia
A few days ago, Talia started getting picky with food and then eventually stopped eating and drinking. She was 15 years old and the vet diagnosed that 90% of her kidneys had failed.

Annie and family decided to bring Talia home.
Although blind and unable to walk, Talia’s final wish was to smell the grass and feel it under her feet. So today, the family took her to the Botanical Gardens and Hilda carried Talia on the grass to sniff and walk abit. Talia had a pleasant day and as they headed home, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, feeling extremely contented, loved and happy.
Off to the Botanical Gardens

Talia and her best friend, Hilda
From the bottom of my heart, I thank Annie and family for adopting a blind 13-year-old dog with a host of problems, knowing that she didn’t have much time on earth. You have made Talia a very happy dog. What you have given her in these past few months were more than she has ever experienced in her entire life and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you.
Farewell sweet Talia
Talia will have a private cremation tomorrow, attended by HOPE volunteers, family and friends.
Rest in peace, Talia. You will be dearly missed.