

Lost Or Abandoned?

 Do you know this dog?

Dog Found! (9 January 2015, 11.30am)

Matthieu's foster informed us that her neighbor had seen a Schnauzer lying by the side of the road since the day before, around McPherson area. It may be hit by a car as it cannot move it's legs.

Injuries on her stomach and hip

The Schnauzer is female and not microchipped.
She has been rushed to the vet. 

We are unsure if she is lost or abandoned. If you know this dog please email us. If you can help with fostering or the vet bills, please email

UPDATES : 10 JANUARY 2015 (2.00am)

We temporarily named this mini Schnauzer “Little Miss Schnauzer”. She is a very sweet girl. Despite all the pain she is in, she was calm and pleasant, often looking at the volunteers with doleful eyes.

She had abrasions and punctured holes

She has a fractured hip with burns and abrasions on her stomach and the insides of the left hind leg. She also has numerous deep puncture wounds on her hind legs. We can’t seem to figure out how she got to be in this state and what caused the severity of her injuries.

She was found lying on the sidewalk around McPherson area, probably in too much pain to move. According to people living in that vicinity, she has been lying there for two days.
She is female, estimated to be about 4 or 5 years old, nice and clean smelling. We think she could be a lost dog, rather than an abandoned pet. She was not wearing a collar or any ID on her. An ultrasound on her abdomen showed her womb had been removed, so she is most likely sterilized.

A real sweetheart

She has been warded as she is in great pain and in shock. Little Miss Schnauzer is scheduled for a surgery this coming Thursday to fix her hip. The vets are giving her a few days to rest and stabilize her condition.

If you know this dog or who she belongs to, please email us at Please do also email us if you can foster her after her surgery, or help with her medical bills.

We will follow up with reports to AVA and SPCA as well.