

Feeding the Fish Farm Dogs

Do you remember the "Fish Farm" doggies? 

HOPE has been providing these fishy doggies with canned food and kibbles since 2014!

Read their story :

We chanced upon them one day long, long ago and found out the poor doggies grew up on fish food! That’s how we started supplying them with dog food.

So happy with life on the farm

Worker, Uncle Segar, who loves the very much 

What a handsome doggy <3 

There used to be a lot more dogs but because we sterilized all of them, we managed to keep the population under control. Today, there are only 10 left; many have died from old age, illness or bitten by snakes – that’s the sad reality of a stray.

Handsome black boy <3 

Loving their freedom

They get cooked food when we go visit and Uncle Segar occasionally cooks for them too

This week we are visiting them to make them happy!

We will be bringing 15 cartons of Nature’s Gift canned food and 6 big bags of ANF kibbles (15kg each bag) and our volunteers will be cooking up a storm for them, to give them a feast. 

We are sure you wouldn’t want these sweet doggies to be eating fish food, so why not help buy some canned food for them? This amount of food would last them 2 to 3 months, before we visit again. 

This handsome one has lost vision in one eye

To buy food for the fish farm doggies, you may drop us a private message or contact our regular pet food supplier, Peggy (Pet HQ) at 96616103. Peggy has been very supportive of our work for than a decade, often providing us with food even when we couldn’t afford to pay her in the early days.

All you need to do is : text Peggy, tell her how much you wish to contribute and do a bank transfer to her. Peggy will help us accumulate everything and deliver all the food to us by Friday, in time for us to bring to the fish farm.

Thank you <3