

Holly - The Camp Dog


We got the camp dog!

A friend, Karen, had linked us with Ling from SOSD and after Ling contacted the relevant army personnel with suggestions on how to assist in trapping the dog, their team were very helpful in luring the dog into an escape proof enclosed room. Ling and trapper Mark then managed to secure the dog; a tired, battered soul, she was.

We would like to thank the military personnel for their kind assistance in this matter. We apologize if we unintentionally got people into trouble.

We have named her Holly.

Holly is at the vet and will have blood works done as well as a skin scrape to ensure she does not have any contagious skin issues before going into a foster home. From the looks of it, she just has extremely bad skin and had scratched herself till her skin bled. Her thin frame is a bag of bones.☹️

Holly will stay at the vet for 2 days, as we buy time looking for a foster. HOPE does not have a shelter and we rely on fosters to care for our dogs till they are adopted.

We need the following help urgently :

1) Foster – please fill this foster form

2) Help with dog trapping and vet bills

Our email if you wish to contact us.

You showed your concern in our earlier post and now we need your help for Holly.

*Photographs courtesy of Ling