

The Cemetery Dogs

Mumtaz, a Muslim lady, approached us recently regarding her dedication to feeding stray dogs at a Chinese cemetery. Her commitment to caring for these dogs is truly inspiring. She has been feeding them every night, rain or shine, even during the month of Ramadan since 2009. Mumtaz's compassion extends to breaking her fasts with the dogs, highlighting her selflessness and devotion.

Despite us facing financial constraints with our outstanding vet bills, there was no way we could say no to her plea for help. 

Mumtaz was concerned about one particular dog, Cemetery Datuk (the brown dog), who was experiencing difficulty chewing and eating, prompting her to seek help. Concerned that there might be a dental issue or something stuck in his mouth, especially since they were strays and prone to ingesting various items, she reached out for assistance. Cemetery Datuk's companion, Cemetery Batman (black dog), was also suffering from severe itching, he couldn’t even eat without scratching.

Cemetery Datuk who lives in the Chinese cemetery
His best friend, Cemetery Batman

He had been clawing at the sides of his mouth and the feeder thought something was stuck in his mouth

Feeder was concerned he would get maggot wounds and so asked for help with medical treatment

Moved by Mumtaz's dedication, we agreed to assist both dogs. Trappers were enlisted by her to capture them, and they were taken to our regular vet. Upon examination, it was discovered that Cemetery Datuk had exposed root canals in all four of his canines, making chewing excruciatingly painful. The teeth were severely worn down, with nerves exposed, explaining his discomfort.

Trapped and taken to the vet

We opted to proceed with dental extractions for Cemetery Datuk, removing a total of three broken canines and six small bottom incisors. For Cemetery Batman, the vet diagnosed a yeast infection causing his skin issues and prescribed oral medications, which feeders could administer easily.

 Many of his teeth were worn down and the roots were exposed

Bad yeast infections on Batman

After their procedures, the dogs were returned to the cemetery, and Mumtaz and her feeder friend, Moothi, will monitor their recovery and feed medications. The total bill for their treatment amounted to $1900/-

Cemetery Datuk getting dental at the vet

They love their freedom and will be returned to the cemetery after discharge

We express our gratitude to Mumtaz and others like Moothi for their unwavering dedication and compassion towards these cemetery dogs. Their selfless acts deserve recognition and support.

To contribute towards covering the vet bills for these cemetery dogs, please consider reaching out to or sending us a private message. Together, let's stand behind their kindness and ensure these dogs receive the care they need and deserve.