

Help George!

On Monday, our volunteers visited George at the vet. When he saw us, he wagged his tail furiously and his eyes finally lit up. We took him for a short stroll outside the clinic, which he enjoyed so much that he refused to go back into the clinic. We had to carry him back in when it was time to return! Poor George; strays usually cherish their freedom, and are not used to being cooped up.

Dear old George outside the clinic
Volunteer Lisa taking him for a walk
George hiding under a tree, not wanting to return to the clinic
George was discharged the next day. After work, we fetched him from the clinic to the boarding kennels where he will stay for the next week, until the next vet visit to check on his tick fever and blood count to see if he is still anemic. However, he is really not dealing well with being caged up all the time, first at the vet, and now at the boarding kennels. He is depressed and longing for company and freedom. His appetite isn't good, and he has lost even more weight. But if all goes well, George will be released back onto the streets in 8 to 10 days' time.

Long stitch on his stomach
We have decided not to proceed with the hip surgery as it costs too much, and the money saved could be used to help more dogs. Although George is still not bearing weight on the dislocated hip, he should be able to learn to cope with the injury (right now, he's limping on 3 legs). Upon discharge, George's total bill came up to $2032 after discount. Costs were for his stomach surgery to remove all the bones, and his oral medication for Babesia (very expensive but necessary).

George's tick fever medication is very important. It must be fed to him orally 3 times a day for 8 days. Like antibiotics, if they are not administered on time, they will be ineffective and George might die from his sickness. However, at the kennels, there is nobody to feed George his medicine. We can only feed him after work, and that is not enough at all. His medication also needs to be refrigerated, and there is no refrigerator at the boarding kennels.

Urgent Appeal

We urgently appeal for a kind soul to just foster George for 8 days, to feed him his medicine 3 times a day. George is a really sweet dog and won't be much trouble. It is a very short period of time and it will mean the difference between life and death. Will you help us save a life?

If you can help, please email Fiona at