

Prince's Updates. Skeleton No More

For those of you who have been following the story of Prince closely, here’s what has been happening with our little boy.

Happy Prince
Prince is doing remarkably well, having been adopted by the very kind Lily and Peter. They have taken such good care of him that he has managed to put on more weight and has turned into a cute round dog, quite unimaginable if you have seen the earlier photos of him when we first found him! He now behaves like any other happy dog; one that loves to eat, play and seek affection from the people around him. He even steals food when he thinks no one is looking, and makes puppy eyes at anyone that may give him a treat.

Prince when he was first rescued

With doting mummy, Lily

Prince is very much loved now! :)
Prince made a guest appearance in October where he spent an afternoon at Pets’ Day Out, an event co-organised by Henderson CC and HOPE Dog Rescue. As always, Prince quickly became the centre of attention as people gathered around him to say hello to the tough little guy who has fought hard for a better life. Many have turned up just to catch a glimpse of our little star, heartened to see for themselves the recovery that Prince has made.

Razor TV was on hand at the event to speak to Prince’s mommy, Lily. She described the change Prince went through from when she first fostered him, weak and meek, to the happy frisky dog you see today. Lily was happy to state that Prince now sleeps like a normal dog, unlike before when he only knew how to slept upright in an unnatural position.

Watch the video of Prince and Lily here:

There are many dogs out there like Prince who have been abandoned and are looking for a home. Prince, whom we suspect used to lead the life of a breeding dog, narrowly escaped a cruel lonely ending when we found him in time, and fostered him back to health. If it weren’t for kind-hearted people who had alerted us of his plight, Prince wouldn’t have had that second chance to learn what it is like to be loved like a dog should.

The next time you are looking for a dog, or know someone who is looking for one, do consider adopting instead of buying. There are too many helpless dogs out there looking for someone who can give him the home he deserves. Like some of the dog owners present at Pets’ Day Out, they too understand it is better to adopt than to buy.

Watch the video by Razor TV, of some of the adopted dogs have been given a new lease of life here:

Here at HOPE, we are delighted to see how well Prince is doing. Prince is what gives us hope to continue doing what we do to save other dogs. He is now featured in our inaugural HOPE 2013 calendar as one of our star dogs! Look at how happy he is! (Seen here with Saffie, a 10 year old Bichon Frise that was given up by her family.)

Prince has been doing really well. He has been recently vaccinated and sterilised. He is finally healthy enough to be taken off steroid medication that he had been on since he was first rescued. His blood count has stabilized enough for him to be able to go under general anesthesia for his dental work and sterilisation. Prince has since recovered from that and is back to his usual cheeky self!

Like all our rescue cases, we couldn't have done it alone, without all your love and support. Thank you everyone who have made the difference in the little Prince's life. 

Keen to read more about Prince? Read the story here on Yahoo News.