

Updates on Bobby and Ah Mei

Bobby’s Surgery

A few days after Bobby underwent an extremely painful surgery, he is faced with another setback. Poor Bobby, it feels as if he is never ever going to get better.

After his surgery, he was in slightly better spirits. He still whined from his painful surgery, when he shifted in his cage, but he did feel better for a few days. During that time, he had already started to eat and had a much better appetite. Our volunteers took turns to visit and spend time with him, cooking salmon (Bobby’s favourite) to reward him for being such a brave doggy!

His scrotum is still very sore and swollen after surgery. An opening was reconstructed in his scrotum to allow him to pee from here. 

Two vets had operated on him, with the surgery lasting almost 3 hours. They removed a huge tumour, about the size of a sea cucumber; you can imagine how huge the mass was and how painful it must have been for him. No wonder he lay in the cage without moving for so many weeks. The mass has been sent off to be tested for cancer and we will know the results in a week or two. The vets did tell us not to be too hopeful as the mass had grown quite a bit from the time he was warded and that wasn’t a good sign.

The vet mentioned that when they carried Bobby to the operating theatre, lots of blood had gushed out from his penis. That convinced them that there were no other options and they had to carry out the surgery, known as a urethrostomy and could not wait for him to get stronger. Bobby’s penis was amputated and a new opening in his scrotum was reconstructed for him to pee. The following day after his surgery, he had actually lifted his head to look at the volunteers when they came to see him. He had never done that before.

He was to stay at the vet for a few more days, to be observed for complications.

Still skin and bones

Today when we visited, the vet didn’t have very good news for us. Bobby’s surgical area was badly infected and he wasn’t peeing. Perhaps it was just too painful to pee so a urine catheter was inserted to make it less painful for him.

Instead of being able to be discharged to a home foster soon, poor Bobby would now need to extend his stay at the vet. That also means more medical bills. Bobby’s spirits are low and it feels as if he doesn’t have the will to recover . . . he doesn’t have anything to look forward to.

Once again, we pray that Bobby will pull through yet another difficult and painful period, and that he will find a foster and leave the clinic soon as he has been cooped up in the cage for a long time. A home environment, lots of love and home cooked food would do him a whole lot of good.

Will you foster / adopt Bobby? He is very sweet, docile and undemanding. He spends his days sleeping. The factory workers have been asking when Bobby will be going back to the factory. We hope to be able to tell them that he has found a loving forever home, a family who will dote on and spoil him for his remaining years. To foster / adopt Bobby or help with his vet bills, please email

Ah Mei’s Updates 

Ah Mei will be discharged today. The vet diagnosed her symptoms as colitis and Ah Mei will be discharged with medications. She will need to be on a strict bland diet for a week before slowly introducing new foods to her again.

Ah Mei will be in foster care as her eye lid is also slowly recovering. We hope Ah Mei will live a healthy and happy life from henceforth. 

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