

No More Rescues, Sorry

It has been a stressful few months as we have been operating at full or should I say bursting capacity with almost 5 to 6 dogs at the vet at any one time. We had Cassie, Bobby and Dawn who were hospitalized for months. There was also Taz, Cody, Hiraku, Ah Mei, Milky and Kopi. This has caused a huge strain on our resources.

We need help urgently as we are currently in serious need of funds. We will not be taking in any more new rescues as we simply cannot afford it. There have been a never-ending stream of requests for help but we are unable to assist simply because we cannot afford it. It is very tough on us as we feel very guilty for every NO uttered to each request for help. Any new admission will require a deposit and although some vets do allow us some slack in terms of payment, there is a limit to the overdrawn amount. It has come to a point whereby for the first time in years, we are not even able to clear our outstanding bills.

What is even scarier is that we spent most of the spare funds we had put aside for our dogs who are in commercial boarding. We have 3 dogs who are on long term commercial boarding because no fosters / adopters have come forward for them and we could not bear to release them as they will not be able to survive as strays simply because they were rescued when they were very young or they were abandoned cases. We did not want to leave them at kennels where they would be kept in small enclosures with no human contact. Thus, we placed them in a boarding facility where they will not be caged and costs were also higher at $480/month for each dog (after discount). This is a fixed cost we incur monthly and with 3 dogs, this translates to almost $1500/month and payment for this will be due in a week’s time.

Other than rescue work, we provide kibbles and food for our weekly stray feeding of 50 dogs, food for factory caregivers and low income senior citizens, and we have a list of more than 20 dogs from various factories whom we visit monthly to apply Frontline and Revolution because it’s cheaper to prevent than to treat. We also have 3 special needs dogs who have a list of items required such as diapers, wet tissues, pee pads, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, massage and long term medical care. We have already stopped hydrotherapy and acupuncture for Matthieu and Harper but continue for SiDa as she still needs lots of support to get better. All these don’t come cheap and when there are no incoming funds, it’s a steady drain on our resources.

We are not a big rescue group with unlimited resources and we rely heavily on your kindness. When there is a dramatic new case with heart wrenching injuries, donations stream in, but afterwards, after the dog recovers, there are still mounting expenses for follow up vet reviews or therapies, which we have to pay. Harper is now 1.5 years old. When she was first rescued, she was so adorable and sweet. We received assistance initially for her medical treatment, but how many know the daily struggles in taking care of her? That she needs 8 to 10 diapers a day as she has no control over her pee / poo. Or that she needs nappy rash cream as she has rashes and sores from long term use of diapers, or that she needs medications applied on her twice a day as she has open wounds from dragging herself on days that she is just too weak to push herself up to stand. Or SiDa who goes for acupuncture only once a week because that’s all we can afford and each session costs us $132 (2 way transport $60 and the acupuncture session $72) as it’s on a weekday and we can’t find volunteers with cars to fetch her.

Or Elmo on his special diet ($35 per pack per week) or else he may still not have fur. Oscar, who is on a host of medications for his long term heart medication and permanent skin problems. And he may have liver failure re-occurrence which is extremely worrying. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but these small amounts add up and with the 19 dogs, we can no longer afford to pay for their upkeep.

We are known to have extremely strict guidelines on adopting our dogs. We have also been criticized for being too strict on the selection of our adopters. We stick by our beliefs that adopting a dog is a lifelong commitment and we only want the best for our dogs as once we rescue them, they become our responsibility. We could easily rehome dogs to any individual who writes in, not bother to conduct house checks and just give them a dog or two, but we don’t. We rush after work and break our necks just to do our due diligence and we don’t take short cuts. We don’t take chances and we try to find the best home for all our charges. We won’t rehome dogs to families who are out more than 10 hours a day, leaving the dogs home alone for long hours as that’s not what it means to have a dog. We work very hard to make the right decision on behalf of the dogs as we do not wish for any dogs to be abused, returned, neglected or abandoned.

Dogs that are presently in our care, some for almost two years :

1)    Matthieu (Special Needs) 

2)    SiDa (Special Needs)

3)    Harper (Special Needs)

4)    Elmo (Special Needs)

5)    Happy

6)    Oscar

7)    Walter

8)    Jerry

9)    Blake

10)   Sasha

11)   Sunny (Senior)

12)   Ah Boy (Senior)

13)   Kate (has one eye missing from a nasty accident)

14)   Cassie

15)   Bobby (Senior)

16)   Blossom

17)   Cody

18)   Mishka (Puppy)

19)   Dawn (3-legged)

We appreciate any amount you can help with, big or small. It would be great if you can sponsor a dog on a regular basis as well towards his / her boarding or medical care. Email if you can help in anyway; be it financial, in kind, or if you can volunteer your time, the doggies say "Thank You”!