


Things were looking a little brighter for Hiraku after he was discharged from the vet and placed in a foster home. We could finally heave a sigh of relief.

We took him to have his eyes checked

Hiraku at his foster home (he was a little apprehensive of the photographer)
Unfortunately, the vet delivered some really shocking news to us two days later although the blood works was done during his stay at the vet - Hiraku was FIV positive. But we're relieved the other foster cats weren't affected. Some symptoms started to develop a few days later, he was vomiting and had diarrhea, so we had to take him back to the vet to get examined. That was when we found out poor Hiraku was running a temperature and even had mites! The mites could've gotten worse overtime since the first visit, as the previous vet was not aware of them and we truly regret putting the other foster cats at risk.

What a sweet, gorgeous looking cat.
That was when a more thorough check was done on Hiraku. The vet took his temperature, did a blood test and had him dewormed. He was dehydrated and had to be put on drip, warded and kept under observation. It was so painful to watch Hiraku suffer even further.

Despite the horrifying condition he was in, Hiraku's beauty never faded with his illness. The vet commented about how sweet and extremely handsome he is. But amidst his uncomfortable illness, he was feeling very down and couldn't reciprocate well to the lovely praises he received. It was indeed heart wrenching to watch him in that state…

Now with his right eye blinded from cataract that was diagnosed at his first visit to the vet, his vision's getting worse with his left eye giving him problems else well. The vet further examined his left eye and found a tear and scarring that could've been caused from excessive scratching and was left untreated. Unfortunately it had developed into early stage cataract and left Hiraku with extremely limited vision…

Despite all these ordeals, the little darling has been very calm, and is an extremely sweet boy. Appetite's not too much of an issue as he still eats well and has recently been sterilized. Give Hiraku another chance and a loving home to continue his journey in life. Put a roof over him and shower him with all the care and love he's been lacking.

We're calling out for an adopter that has a cat proof house as house checks will be conducted. Priority will be given to homes with no cats or cats with FIV as well. Hiraku's a handsome male cat, estimated to be between 5 to 7 years old.

To lend a helping hand with the vet bills, or give Hiraku a loving home to make up for the hard life he has gone through, please email us at

Written by Wendy Yeo
Photo credits by Wayne from The Dotty Ones (excludes the two photographs taken at the vet)