

Updates On Bradley (Post-Surgery)

Bradley's emergency operation was scheduled at 1.30pm this afternoon (9 December), but before the operation could proceed, his blood count plummeted and he had to undergo a blood transfusion. The operation went smoothly and Bradley's genitals or whatever was left of it was removed together with the numerous disgusting maggots. He was also sterilized during the surgery.

Bradley was still sound asleep when we visited him

Look at all his stitches after amputation 

Bradley will now pee from an opening like Bobby and this means he can finally pee without crying in pain. He will be put on 4 courses of chemotherapy injections to kill of any remaining cancerous cells and the first chemo jab will be administered tonight.

A new opening has been surgically created for him to pee 

Get well soon, dear Bradley

Thank you so much for the outpouring of support and encouragement which gave us the courage to save Bradley. He will most likely be staying at the vet for another 4 weeks while his wound recovers and his course of chemotherapy completes. This will of course translate into huge medical bills which we can ill afford, but nevertheless our hearts are light from knowing Bradley is now finally safe. Good night dear boy, sleep tight for probably the first time in many months.

If you will like to contribute to Bradley's vet bills, please email