

Wang Wang's Update (2nd)

Remember Wang Wang, Bradley’s friend?

Wang Wang’s condition seems to have stabilised, now that he has a safe place at the vet clinic to recuperate.

Wang Wang's left eye has a cataract, possibly caused by an old injury left untreated

His appetite has improved. He enjoys the home-cooked food prepared by our volunteers and he very much cherishes the love and attention showered on him by us when we visit.

Wang Wang is not out of the woods but this sweet boy is determined to fight on. That stoic face of his tells us that he would not give up. Hence, we would try our best for him even with our limited financial resources. We are grateful to the vet clinic for agreeing to board Wang Wang at their premises as we have yet to find a foster for this sweet boy.

His tumour doesn't seem as raw now

Wang Wang received his first jab on 20 December and is scheduled to receive his second jab today, leaving him with two more chemo jabs a week apart. The tumour on his penile region seem less raw and fierce, and perhaps has receded a little since his first jab.

We hope that once he has completed the cycle of four chemo jabs, he would recover from this condition and we can then focus on the mass in his liver and spleen, which the ultrasound scan had picked up previously.

We would not be able to save street dogs like Wang Wang without your help and generosity.

We are not sure how much time Wang Wang has but we do know we will do our best to make him happy and comfortable. Living his final days in the cage at a vet isn’t exactly the best option, and the staff tell us that he howls at night because he is sad and lonely. Imagine from having freedom on the streets and fellow doggie friends, to being caged 24/7, Wang Wang would definitely not understand our good intentions.

If you can foster him, please contact us. Wang Wang is very friendly and affectionate. Your home should have no dogs as his condition is contagious to other dogs. All he needs is nutritious home cooked food, his medications, some love and a roof over his head to spend his final days. He can be left alone while you are at work.

If you can foster or help with Wang Wang’s vet bill, please e-mail

Thank you