

Theo Is Critically Ill (Help Needed)

We rescued Theo back in 2014. A victim of a hit and run, we found him with his eyeball popping out of its socket. The accident may have been a blessing in disguise for though he got hurt and lost his eye, he also gained a family. Theo was quickly adopted and his family loved him very much.

Sweet Theo at the Vet

Unfortunately, Theo is not doing so good these days. He is now an old cat and has been sick for a while. Theo has renal failure and had collapsed. Leading to that, he was listless, not eating or drinking and could not pee.

Theo getting an ultrasound done 

His family contacted us for help last night as they can no longer afford the installments they have been paying for his medical bills. This morning we transferred him to our regular vet where Theo was immediately put on drip for severe dehydration. An ultrasound was carried out and results showed that he had crystals in his urine, possibly causing blockage and infection. His white cell count is sky high. 

The vet managed to express his pee, which was bloodied and the next 48 hours are critical. if he still doesn't pee in the next 2 days, he will require surgery. We need help with his vet bills.

It is just barely 2 months into the new year and we are already in over our heads in outstanding bills from the recent recues and accidents. Won't you please help Theo and his family? 

If you can help contribute towards Theo's medical bills, please email