

Update: Baby Sugar (III)

Sugar, a name that should mean a sweet, charmed life and yet, in the 3 months of her short life, Sugar has known nothing but pain, suffering and sorrow.

Eyes that have seen more than they should 


More than a week after her surgery, she is still not standing, even though she was supposed to stand 3 days after surgery. We are taking her to the vet this Saturday to do more x-rays. We feel that there may be more fractures. She has lost muscle mass in her hind legs and spends her days holed up in a corner, staring at nothing. Occasionally she drags herself to a cooler spot.

We just noticed that her 2 front paws look deformed and will be checking with the vet on her next review. Her progress is depressingly slow. Watch her here.

Her right front paw is slightly deformed and her vet recommended her surgery. We've decided to wait for her to stop growing before considering that option.

Sugar is hardly eating or drinking and is syringe fed water a few times a day. She fears humans and trembles when we enter her playpen.

Sad little puppy

We have never seen such a sad puppy, no tail wags, no smiles. All we want is to make her happy and for her to be well again.

If you can help, please email