

This is Ah Mei

This is Ah Mei. She is 13 years old and has been in a boarding kennel most of her life. It was a private kennel where people pay to board their dogs for short periods and Ah Mei was put in there by an uncle who went MIA immediately after and never paid the boarding fees. 

Ah Mei’s life became worse than a stray, not only was she now caged up, she was also not cared for; often relying on the volunteer to bathe and feed her. This sad life went on for almost 8 years. 

Ah Mei was only brought home by a kind lady last December when she noticed that Ah Mei was unwell. We came across Ah Mei's sad story and decided to help out. She has kidney failure, is anemic and severely dehydrated. Her white blood count is high and she has UTI, most likely caused by her kidney failure. She also has mange and not one, but two types of tick fever, anaplasma and ehrlichia.  

Ah Mei is currently being warded at our regular vet under close observation as her readings were off the scale. If she pulls through in the next couple of days, she may start to feel better. Nothing can be done about her kidney failure though except to keep her comfortable. We are doing our best to make sure Ah Mei gets to live out the rest of her life as comfortably as possible and you can help us by contributing to her medical bills. To help, please email