

Senior Dogs Deserve Second Chances Too

Barely two months into the year, we have had two surrendered cases, both of whom are senior dogs (read about Alex and Caleb). The sad reality is that senior and/or sick dogs are often the ones abandoned and surrendered to welfare groups. While there are many reasons why a pet is being surrendered, we are still baffled by how some people have the heart to abandon their once beloved pet at a time when it needs them most. 



We know it all too well that taking care of senior dogs is no easy feat. Just like human beings, it is inevitable for dogs, too, to start having age-related health issues like failing eyesight and hearing, arthritis; or more serious issues like chronic kidney disease and dementia. Having said that, of course not all senior dogs are sickly and frail. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle and going for regular checkups go a long way as well. 

The adoption rate for senior dogs tends to be lower than the younger ones—people often go for the latter because they are “cuter”, “easier” to train and they have more years to bond together. But hey, adopting a senior dog has its perks too! Senior dogs are literally what you see is what you get. They are generally calmer (i.e., lower energy level), trained most of the time and they make great companionship! Compared to adopting a puppy, we just need that extra bit of time, patience, experience and yes, money (for potential medical expenses). Family support is important too because it is after all a huge decision to welcome a pet into the family.

I have had the privilege to adopt a senior dog when he was 8 years old. We spent five precious years together and while I hoped we could have more time together, it’s something I will never exchange anything for. Looking back, I am glad he was with us during his twilight years instead of roaming the streets alone. I was often told how my family made a difference to his life but truth be told, he made just as much a difference to our lives too, showing us what unconditional love is.

Here at HOPE, it's no secret that we have a soft spot for senior dogs. Our current rescues and surrendered cases are minimally 8 years old. Do you remember their stories?







We encourage you to keep an open mind if you are thinking of adopting a dog. It is truly rewarding to know that these little things can change the life of a senior dog waiting for its second chance; waiting to be loved again. Feel free to drop us an email at if you would like to find out more about our senior dogs who are looking for a home. 

Remember, giving a senior dog love and a home will make him the happiest dog on his final journey. ♡