

Happy Ever After

Remember the adoption drive that was held on the 21st of October? We had ‘The Famous 5’ (puppies rescued from a breeding farm) – Murphy, Fifi, Lea, Scotty and Ally, and not forgetting ‘The Fantastic 2’ – Bingo and JJ! 

We received an overwhelming response, and about a hundred people came to join us at Doggie Style Café at NEX. The cafe was so crowded and filled with dog-loving people wanting to adopt the 7 dogs.

Adoption is the way to go! Thank you for the overwhelming response.

The volunteers have been very busy conducting house checks and interviews with potential adopters over the past few weeks after the adoption drive. Thankfully, all the dogs have been rehomed!
Little Lea at the adoption drive
Volunteer Tun Ling sharing about Lea
Volunteer Zoei with Ally

Volunteer Jasmin carrying Murphy
A dear friend, Francesca, carrying little Scotty
Scotty, one of the Famous 5, is very sick and therefore, the foster has decided to keep him. Poor Scotty is suffering from liver damage, possibly from malnutrition. He is a mere 4 months old. Had we not rescued him from the breeding farm, who knows what fate lay ahead for him.
Little Scotty on his way to the vet
Poor baby Scotty squealed so loudly way before the needle even touched him
Liver problem in dogs are occurring with ever increasing frequency. Usually, when the owner finds out that his/her dog has a liver problem, it is already too late. Fortunately for Scotty, it wasn’t too late. Liver damage can be cured if it is not at the last stages where the dog only has months or days to live.
Scotty was terribly unwell

X-ray reports showed an extremely enlarged liver
It all started when Scotty started panting a lot and was constantly lethargic. He was also not behaving like a puppy should; he did not play like any other puppy would. Fiona noticed his bloated stomach and sparse fur. She brought Scotty to the vet for a check-up because she was worried that all these symptoms may be an indication of some disease. True enough, the X-ray showed that Scotty has an enlarged liver and because he is still very young and delicate, he may die. Everyone was so worried but thankfully, Scotty seems to be recovering and is getting stronger and healthier as the days go by.

A special thanks to Ivy, the owner of Doggie Style Café, for hosting this adoption drive and for supporting adoption. The adoption drive wouldn’t be such a success if not for her!

We would like to thank all our volunteers who helped with the initial rescue, conducting house checks etc and for helping out at the adoption drive. We are grateful to our fosters Lynette, Gena, Theresa, Jaswinder and Natalie for caring for the puppies. We are extremely pleased with the overwhelming response from dog lovers who all chose to adopt instead of buy.

Thanks Jaswinder for fostering JJ
We thank Jainty for attending the adoption drive and adopting JJ, a rescued street puppy.
JJ giving Leslie a kiss after being adopted by Jainty.
And of course, we would like to thank everyone for taking the time off to join us at the café and a big thank you to those who adopted the dogs. We are glad that you chose to adopt! For all the people who wanted to adopt Scotty, thank you so much! But because young Scotty is very sick, we decided that the best person to adopt Scotty is his foster who has been taking good care of him and who knows him best. Continue reading our blog because we will always have more dogs for adoption! Stay tuned!

Written by Zoei Ong
Photo credits Keng Fun and Leslie Kok