

A Little Help for the Fish Farm Dogs

A couple of years ago, the fish farm folks approached Hope’s volunteers for help when they saw us during one of the stray feeding rounds.  At that time, we were told, the farm dogs survived on fish food (Read the backstory here).

Volunteers helped the folks to arrange for the farm dogs to be sterilized, all 11 of them. We also gave them dog kibbles and canned food. Once a month we went down to apply Frontline on the dogs and bring them a feast of cooked food. We would also take their dogs to the vet each time they got sick or injured, and snake bites were common. We did this for a couple of months till the workers felt they could manage on their own.

Recently, we were informed that one of the dogs required a visit to the vet due to an ear infection. It looked like he had a haematoma.

On a Saturday, friends and volunteers went down to visit the farm and to assess the dog.

The farm has changed with time, but the folks around, including its immediate neighbours/workers, remain kind and are all trying their best to care for the animals around them.

We brought the dog with haematoma to the vet. The dog was very sweet despite the fact that he was nervous being away from his home and pack.

The vet examined the dog, cleaned his ears thoroughly and provided him with the necessary care and vaccination.  After which, the dog was returned safely back to the farm.

The folks would appreciate and could do with a little help with dog food for the dogs. If you would like to donate kibbles or canned food for the farm dogs and/or to support our weekly stray feeding session, please e-mail to  Thank you.