

Too Many Cats...It's Madness

Update (26 Nov 2019):

Cat Welfare Society (CWS) has clarified that their funds are focused on the sterilization of community or stray cats, and they are unable to extend assistance required of pet cats. As it does not have a rescue or shelter facility, it is also unable to take in any animals. We appreciate CWS's clarification on this matter.  Taking this  opportunity, we would like to thank CWS for assisting us with cat sterilization at some of our feeding sites.


Often, we hear of people hoarding cats. You know what? Recently, we were alerted to an elderly man with nearly 40 cats in a 3-room flat in an area that one of our volunteer feeds. We were concerned the cats may eventually end up being abandoned in the estate.

And so we made a trip to the flat.

The unit reeks of pee, and we were aghast by how many cats there were. We do not have an exact headcount yet, but the owner tells us it is near 40. From the looks of it, it ain't too far. And the cats are not sterilized. Gosh! It just means the numbers will multiply if we do nothing about it.

So what now?

First things first, sterilized the cats to prevent further breeding.

Good thing is, the owner seems open to the idea of sterilization and rehoming the cats.

The feeder called Cat Welfare Society and SPCA for help. They came down to assess the situation. Unfortunately, they don't have the budget to provide free or cheap sterilizations of this scale. 
Frankly, the feeder was extremely disappointed, but she thinks maybe they can’t afford it? So she approached us, and although we are essentially a dog rescue group who can’t afford to sterilize the 40 cats as well, we agreed to try our best and give it a shot, to do what we can. SPCA did eventually take in three kittens who were rather ill and needed medical treatment.

So here we are, Hope DOG Rescue, seeking $7,000 to sterilize and treat 40 cats and kittens. The owner has contributed $600/- while the rest of the amount, we hope to raise to help the cats. This amount is assuming the cats have no medical issues that require hospitalization.

We have just sterilized our first batch of 15 cats at $1,600 including transportation and 2 nights of pre/post-surgery boarding.

Can we sterilize the remaining cats and re-home them eventually?

It depends.

Funding is very much needed. On top of sterilization, we need funds for basic health checks and boarding if we want to re-home the cats properly.

If you can contribute, please email The feeder thinks she has bitten off more than she can chew to get involved and she has also chipped in quite a bit to get the 15 cats sterilized. Let’s hope we can raise enough to help her and the cats.