2 weeks ago, a 15-year-old Schnauzer, Lucky was brought to a vet to be euthanized. He had not been eating for 2 days, was looking very weak and listless and could no longer walk (from old age and stiff joints). The owner thought that his time was up and brought him to the vet, expecting dire news. The owner worked long hours and did not have the capacity to care for him. Lucky was basically left lying in a cage for long hours, leaving him with numerous pressure sores.
However, the vet’s diagnosis wasn’t that ominous. Lucky is relatively well for his age, he is just old and unable to walk because of a long-term spinal issue that is causing him a lot of pain and discomfort. In terms of his mental capability, he is very bright and alert still and able to respond to people talking to him, with perfect hearing and perfect vision.
At vet for fluids as he was terribly dehydrated |
Although the vet’s diagnosis was somewhat positive, the owner was in tears and looked troubled and miserable. She had fallen on hard times, and as the sole bread winner of her family, she has to work long hours to support her handicapped siblings and aged mother. Her family could barely scrape by with her meagre earnings. It is apparent that she cannot bear to part with Lucky, yet keeping him with her is not possible as she is unable to afford his medical bills and provide the constant care he needs. The vet asked if we could step in to help and the owner reluctantly agreed. Although she is heartbroken at having to hand Lucky over, a part of her is relieved knowing that he will be in good hands.
Skin is red and infected because he had been shaved |
Lucky was very smelly when we first took him in as his owner had shaved him bald and because of that, he had a very bad skin infection. Lucky’s owner mentioned that he hadn’t pooed for some time too. His body was very warm and he was shivering badly. The vet explained that his body was warm because he could be fighting an infection or also warm from the skin infection and his shivering was due to extreme pain. After feeding him some pain medications, his trembling stopped. We cringed when we imagined how long Lucky was suffering with the pain and discomfort without medication, despite Lucky’s owner doing everything she can to make him comfortable.

The vet did a full body check for Lucky. He has very bad dental health and requires dental treatment. His prostate is swollen as he has not been sterilized and this might be blocking his ability to poo. The vet technicians will need to do a heart ultrasound before the dental procedure and sterilization to ensure that his heart is strong enough for surgery. He also has an existing ear infection which requires medication to treat it. There is a small growth on is toe, which the vet will snip off during the sterilization and dental procedure. The vet also mentioned that Lucky is unable to pee on his own and requires someone to express his bladder 4 to 5 times a day. Lucky’s hind legs are crossed and he is unable to walk on his own. Poor Lucky, his list of ailments are never-ending. It must be his love and loyalty to his owner, and vice versa, that made him hold on for so long.
Taking his measurements at the vet, so he can have his wheelchair asap |
His very first set of wheels |
When we got Lucky, 1st thing we did was to get him a doggy wheelchair (thanks to Melissa‘s kind sponsorship) so that he gets to move around on his own and get to be upright few times throughout the day. His tired eyes lit up when we put him on it when he found out he can move around on his own, albeit very slowly.
Nice to be able to be upright again |
The vet also mentioned that Lucky had been on the same kibbles for 14 years! Poor chap, his body must be lacking nutrients and this likely could be the cause of his many health problems. On his first day with us, we fed him home cooked food of some meat and vegetables and he lapped every single morsel up. He must have thought he was already in doggy heaven, gosh, 14 years of kibbles! Not long after his feast, he pooed and all of us were so happy at seeing the poo!
Truth be told, Lucky’s predication is not at all unusual. We have came across some pet owners who cannot afford basic pet care or even medical care for their pets when they fall sick. These pet owners either have lost their jobs or have some family members stricken with illness. With their mounting medical bills taking a toll on the family’s finances, they have problems putting enough food on the table, what more vet bills. As such, they have no choice but to watch their pets suffer and die eventually. This is the harsh reality for some pet-owners and it depresses us to hear of more and more of such circumstances. Given our limitations in funds, we can only reach out to help a handful of such cases. We are worried that with the current state of uncertainty in the economy, there will be more pet-owners and pets suffering.
Happy Lucky <3 |
We are very much moved by the love and bond between Lucky and his owner and hope to provide Lucky’s last days to be as comfortable as possible. If you would like to be a part of Team Lucky Guardian Angels, please email us at hopedogrescue@singnet.com.sg to help with Lucky’s medical bills and upkeep. Thank you for your kind support.
Lucky is presently with an experienced foster, who will care and love him throughout his final journey.
Written by: Jamie Faith