On 3 November 2011, our beloved dog of 13 years left the Loy Family to his little happy land in heaven.
Getting over Wang Wang's demise was so tough as he was very dear to us and we missed the times where he would sleep next to us during bedtimes and snuggling up against us when we were watching TV. He was just like another family member.
Lawrence and I then decided that we would not buy another dog but instead adopt one. We felt that all strays and unwanted dogs deserve a chance to be loved and we believe Wang Wang would gladly want us to share our love with another doggie friend. We started to look around on the Internet and we chanced upon Hope Dog Rescue and there was where we saw Sapporo (formerly known as Rei) for the first time. I could still remember myself tearing when I saw the wounds on his body and I am sure the sadness in his eyes would break all dog lovers' hearts.
Top photo was when Rei was just rescued |
As we looked on, it was very heartbreaking to see how strays are being abused and what's even more intolerable would be dog owners discarding their pets because of reasons such as; 'we are busy', 'his barkings are disturbing my kids' etc.
I have many friends and family members to turn to when I am in need, but we are our pet's only family member. How would you feel if your family member discards you by tying you to a bench or puts you up for adoption without an apparent good reason?
Gone are his stray days. He now has a home of his own |
It was 7pm on 24 February 2012 when we waited patiently for our new sibling to arrive at our house. We had only met twice before and wonder if Sapporo is going to be comfortable with us? Will he be haunted by painful memories? Will he try to escape?
Getting delicious home cooked food is now part of his regular diet. His head wound is no longer visible. |
Nice and round; enjoying his snooze at home |
There were many questions in our subconscious mind about adopting stray dogs although finding HAPPINESS for our little friends was our priority. Four months have passed and Sapporo is eating well, playing with his toys, enjoying his walks/jogs, and most importantly, he is such a darling in our eyes. When it rains, we felt so comforted and happy seeing Sapporo sleeping on his little mat, safe and warm in his new home.
Lawrence and Rei (Sapporo). Named Sapporo because it's Lawrence's favourite beer! |
Eva and Sapporo; a nice loving family who loves him to bits! |
Sapporo |
Pedigree or stray? It does not matter as it is just human bias classification over these innocent creatures. Have faith, touch their hearts and we are sure they will touch yours.
Lawrence and Sapporo - enjoying each other. We hope that more people will adopt street dogs and appreciate them for who they are. (And they ARE HDB approved). |
Story and photographs courtesy of Lawrence and Eva Loy.