Things are not looking good for the puppies. After their brother passed away, the 9 remaining baby beanies are doubly precious to us. It drives home how fragile life is and how they are holding on to life on only a tiny thread.
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Despite being sick, cute like a bear |
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Rushing all 9 to the vet |
After our baby beanie left us, we decided to bring ALL the puppies to our regular vet for a review. The diagnosis is no good and the vet predicted that the weakest (and biggest) puppy may die within the same day. In short, they have roundworms, respiratory issues, pneumonia, nasal discharge and these evil round worms are sucking blood and nutrients from their intestines. The clinic cannot accommodate all 9 puppies but after lots of pleading, kindly agreed to keep them for a few days till Tuesday as we have NOWHERE to house them at all. They're too young and sick to go to the kennels and too expensive to stay at the vet.
We DESPERATELY NEED foster homes for the 9 puppies.
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Cute Beanies, cute siblings. |
The sickest puppy of the lot; vet doesn't think he'll live past tomorrow |
The puppies are now separated with 4 puppies who are in critical condition being isolated and the other 5 who were somewhat more stable in a cage together. We received a devastating update today that out of the 5 healthier ones, 2 are displaying signs of nasal discharge and respiratory issues. We are heartbroken and so is Mummy Emily Bean, that’s what we’ve named her. Mommy Emily Bean was left behind in the foster’s house when all her puppies were rushed to the vet, leaving her anxious, confused and missing her puppies badly. Mommy is not well either and has mastitis. Her breasts are extremely engorged and she is feeling very uncomfortable. Mommy Emily Bean has been a great mother who always ensures all her beanies are well fed before taking care of her own needs. Whenever any of her beanies cries, she immediately attends to them. We can only imagine the anguish she is suffering and hope that we can bring her to meet some of her puppies, but we cannot afford another dog at the clinic. Her baby beanies are costing us almost $2000/- per day and these are on credit and the bills are mounting mercilessly day by day.

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Puppy Power!
It has been a traumatizing week as we lost two of our doggies (Hugo and one baby beanie). They may have been with us for only a short time but that doesn’t make them any less precious and we are all the more determined to ensure that the remaining 9 beanies and Mommy Emily Bean pull through. We are trying our best scrambling around to look for fosters for each beanie as we have to separate them to ensure there is no contagion. We hope to discharge the healthier beanies this Monday but we need your help! Our Beanies are only 3 weeks old and require 4 meals a day. They need to be monitored strictly to ensure their conditions do not deteriorate and observed closely for diarrhea, pale gums, loss of appetite and breathing issues. If any of these signs appear, we need to rush them back to the vet immediately! Additionally, it will be best if you do not have another dog, unless he/she is young, healthy and vaccinated and it is of utmost importance that good hygiene is practiced.
All 9 puppies have been admitted to hospital for respiratory issues |
Latest Updates :
- One of the puppies had a rectal prolapse caused by constant diarrhea. He needs an immediate surgery. We feel so sorry for the puppies, having to suffer so much at this tender age.
- Mommy Emily Bean has also been warded for mastitis, engorgement and high fever. The vet had said that her condition was extremely painful and had we not brought her in, her breast may be torn.
Puppy's anus sticking out, caused by excessive diarrhea and round worms |
Mommy, Emily Bean, depressed, in pain and confused |
As of now, Mommy and her 9 puppies are all warded but they are separated as the puppies are all on IV drip and kept away from their mommy. One can never imagine the amount of stress we are facing at the moment.