I've been fostering Matilda for awhile now and finally decided it was the right time to officially adopt her.
Throughout the period as her foster, I've always treated her as an official member of our family and her presence has really brought us together.
Read Matilda's story http://hopedogrescue.blogspot.com/2015/06/news-from-vacated-factory-3.html
Ying Jie & Matilda |
Even though they say fostering/adopting a dog changes their lives, I would say that she has changed mine. With her goofy personality, antics and the improvement she has made through her walks, she has taught me unconditional love, patience, and resilience in ways I cannot fathom. I also see my family start to change and grow accepting of her since she entered our lives – from being skeptical about the idea of having a dog, to opening their hearts to her and showering her with love (and plenty of pats and treats).
I would like to thank HOPE for the support and trust given to us over the years, I would not have done it without Fiona and the team's support.
Written by: Ying Jie
Patience plays a big part in Matilda’s life . . . . . and finally good things came to all who wait.
For about 8 years, this brindle beauty has been waiting for the right family to adopt her.
As she is skittish and easily spooked when outside, she needed a patient and firm handler who had experience dealing with skittish dogs, and one who was also physically strong enough to withstand her tugs.
In the early years, Matilda’s skittishness led her to a couple of unintended solo adventures; holding the unfortunate record of having been lost the most number of times. Fortunately, thanks to our volunteers’ help, Matilda was found safe and sound.
Matilda had been present at many meet-and-greet sessions to meet her potential family. Although a permanent home eluded her all these years, fortunately, Matilda had a great foster who patiently fostered her all these years. Matilda thrived under her care.
There is a special bond between foster and dog after having been together for 5 years.
Recently, we approached the foster to ask if she would consider making Matilda an official member of her family. She shared with us that Matilda had all along been seen as part of her family. Her parents had wanted her to graduate from school and start working, so she could be financially responsible for Matilda. Her time is now - Matilda has been adopted by her foster, Ying Jie and family, and we couldn’t be happier for yet another foster fail!
Baby Matilda |
Patience has finally paid off for Matilda. Good things indeed come to those who wait. We wish Ying Jie and family and Matilda many happy years ahead.
Written by: Hope Dog Rescue