Look at all the happy doggies!! |
What does Animal Rescue mean? It’s not always about dramatic rescues, but the mundane day to day tasks may be even more important. Every month, we visit more than 20 dogs under our care, living in factories or farms, to apply Frontline and Revolution. Tick and heartworm prevention does not sound exciting, but they are absolutely important in ensuring the health of our dogs and like what they say; prevention is always better than cure.
Applying Frontline on all the dogs living in the fish farm |
Help buy Frontline & Revolution for us please |
All the doggies are sooo cute and sweet! |
Worker, Saegar, helping us hold Tiger while we apply |
This is Tiger; intelligent, handsome and well-loved by the workers |
Living in the open means constant exposure to ticks, parasites and of course, lots of mosquitoes, and we want to ensure the doggies are safe from possible life threatening illness. After all, it is cheaper to prevent, than to treat. Heartworm treatment can take up to 6 months and is not only costly but also extremely stressful for the dog. We are currently low on supplies and will desperately need new supplies of Frontline (for dogs 10 to 20kg and more than 20kg), Revolution (for dogs 10 to 20kg and more than 20kg) and also Frontline for cats as we will apply for the felines as well if we have sufficient supply.
Please email hopedogrescue@singnet.com.sg if you have any leftovers to donate or if you will like to purchase the Frontline / Revolution directly and send it to us. Please join us in our fight to help the doggies stay Healthy and Happy!
And after all that is done, it's time for a feast! Our volunteers bake meatloaves and cook for these dogs on all our visits. |