For the past decade, we have been making weekly rounds to a certain industrial estate, befriending not just the stray dogs, but also the humans in the area.
Pui Pui and her fav worker, Yongyhurt (Pui Pui is SiDa's friend) |
For the dogs, we not only make sure that their bellies are filled at least once a week, but we also check on their health and welfare. To help manage the population of strays, we also try and sterilize as many of the dogs as we can catch. To date, we have sterilized more than 500 dogs and helped or rescued just as many. We try and re-home as many of the dogs as we can or place them in foster homes if there are willing fosters. Sida, Harper, Cody and Mathilda are some of our long-time residents but we are still holding on to hope that they will find their forever homes some day. However, there are still more dogs that need homes than there are adopters and fosters combined, so we have little choice but return most of the dogs to their usual haunts.
We go the routes less traveled to feed the forgotten |
Each week, we require 40kg of food (cooked or canned food) to feed & distribute |
This is where our friendship with the workers in the factories come into play. Over the years, we have befriended and been touched by the kindness of many of the workers. Yongyhurt, who was Sida's caretaker prior to her accident and still remains her favourite human even to this day. Mr Aziz, who played a vital role in Matthieu’s and Harper's rescue, and Uncle Ahmad - both are Muslims but still care greatly for the dogs in their compounds, looking out for their welfare and acting as intermediaries between the dogs and other workers. The Myanmar worker who insisted that we take his $10 to help the dogs. These are but some of the friends we have made over the last 10 years. This friendship was not fast to form. When we first started, some of the workers were not only hostile towards the dogs, but to us as well. But we persevered in befriending them, offering them help with the dogs, and donating clothes to them. Now they are some of our greatest allies. They care for the dogs during the week and alert us if there are any dogs that require our immediate help or if any of the dogs are captured by AVA. They even wait for us on Saturday nights to get food or medication for the dogs on their compounds.
Uncle Ahmad receiving a gift from us, for his contribution to caring for the strays |
It has been an amazing journey and we have made many friends along the way. It has not been easy but we are very passionate about our work and so will continue doing this for as long as we are able.
Uncle Nittiya who cares for the dogs in his factory |
There are many ways that you can join us in our mission to help our strays. If you have a car (and a driver's licence!), you can be a driver on Saturday nights from 8-11pm. We need drivers to collect and distribute dog and cat food to the workers. If you can't drive, you can volunteer to be a stray feeder. If you are not free on Saturday nights, you can offer to cook for the strays. If you can't cook, you can sponsor the canned food which we mix in with the cooked food. Any help will be greatly appreciated by the dogs (and us) as it may be the only decent meal that they get to enjoy all week!
To be a volunteer driver, please fill out this volunteer form.
To buy cat or dog canned food for the street dogs, you may purchase from
your regular supplier order through them, or use our pet food suppliers.
Call: 6265 8510 / 9661 6103 (Peggy)
Nature's Gift Canned Food (700g) - any flavour will do, the strays are not
Click here for more detail.
Written by : Sam